Two big occasions mean less blogging today

A couple of weeks ago, I was informed that one of my fellows won an award for some research she’d done. I was asked to introduce her talk early this morning. I was going to refuse (sadly) at first, because today also happens to be the day my daughter graduates from Kindergarten.

However, my awesome family agreed that I could likely do both. Later, when my daughter learned that I would be introducing “Dr. Rachel” to talk, she demanded to come along with me. We’ll have a hectic morning together, heading first downtown to Riley Hospital and then quickly back up to her school for the ceremony.

So I won’t be blogging this morning, because I will be honoring two special women instead. The first will be at Pediatric Scholars Day at IU, where one of my favorite pediatric health services researchers will get her due. The second is going to stand up on stage in her tiny cap and gown and make her daddy swell with pride, and likely cry.

I’m sure you’ll understand if I take a moment to enjoy the morning. Back to blogging later.


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