Information overload
After documenting the rapid rise in number of clinical studies, authors of the Institute of Medicine’s Knowing What Works in Health Care (page 36) conclude, For physicians—and patients—who
After documenting the rapid rise in number of clinical studies, authors of the Institute of Medicine’s Knowing What Works in Health Care (page 36) conclude, For physicians—and patients—who
Declines in Employer-Sponsored Insurance between 2000 and 2008: Examining the Components of Coverage by Firm Size, by Jessica Vistnes, Alice Zawacki, Kosali Simon and Amy
A number of you have written me today, asking why I haven’t commented about the NYT piece yesterday on how insurance costs have risen so
Did you ever pull some yarn on an old sweater and end up making it worse? Before long, you could unravel the entire sweater if
I want to add a note to Austin’s post on peer-reviewed literature versus blogging. I think that there is also a long-term benefit to blogging
From the debate last night: ROMNEY: Rick, I make enough mistakes in what I say, not for you to add more mistakes to what I
Something rare happened to me on Wednesday. In the span of a few hours a post I co-authored with Aaron Carroll published on JAMA’s blog,
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