On The Record (with daily recap)
CBO: Estimate of ARRA impact in third quarter, 2011 Today in TIE: Reflex, Austin on why the ACA is not enough, and he analyzes Medicare’s
CBO: Estimate of ARRA impact in third quarter, 2011 Today in TIE: Reflex, Austin on why the ACA is not enough, and he analyzes Medicare’s
Things are much like they were before: the U.S. needs to ensure economic growth in the short term, while developing a path to a long
I am deliberately withholding all but one, dry sentence of commentary. Otherwise, just the facts, as reported, follow. All emphasis is mine. Reuters: The U.S.
Did the media report the Avastin label revocation correctly? Predictably, the WSJ Opinion page missed the science boat, but the journalists – NYTimes, Reuters, ABC
In case you weren’t paying attention, the FDA revoked its approval of Avastin for the treatment of breast cancer last week: U.S. regulators revoked approval
Pay cut for docs looms as debt panel flops, report Haberkorn and DoBias in Politico Pro. “If the super committee reports that it can’t reach a deal —
This is a TIE-U post associated with Jonathan Oberlander’s Political Dynamics and Policy Dilemmas (UNC’s HPM 757, Fall 2011). For other posts in this series, see the course
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