What's going to happen now?

When I first started this blog, I made a commitment to try and limit my focus on politics.  There are plenty of blogs that already spend plenty of time on that.  And, to be honest, I can’t stand politics.  Too many treat is like a game; unfortunately, the consequences are anything but trivial.

That said, I’ve found it impossible at times to ignore the politics of the situation.  Today is certainly one of those moments.

No matter what anyone says, they don’t know what’s going to happen.  Congress could choose to abandon health care reform tomorrow.  Or, the House could pass the Senate bill tomorrow and have it signed by President Obama before the week is up.  Who knows?

I will say this.  A year ago, when President Obama was inaugurated, the Democrats occupied the White House, had a significant majority in the House, and had 58 Senators.  That was when they promised to deliver health care reform and began to work on it.

Today, the Democrats occupy the White House, have a significant majority in the House, and have 59 Senators.  That doesn’t seem like a time to panic.

If they can’t get it done, it’s by choice; they can do it.  But if they choose not to, if they choose to let the effort die, then I find it hard to understand why anyone should vote for them again.  What’s the point?  People (especially Democrats) voted for them so that they would choose to vote for health care, one of the most important Democratic priorities of, well, ever.  If they decide not to vote for it, when they can, then they are saying that – out of fear for themselves – they are willing to drop the best chance for reform they’ve ever had.  Just because they are afraid.

If they abandon this, then why should they be trusted with any other priority?

I understand there are times when they can’t get things done because the Republicans are obstructing them.  This isn’t one of those times.  They have bigger majorities than the Republicans have had in almost a century. The bill has passed the Senate.  All they need to do is vote.

They wanted this job.  They knew they could lose it.  If they act in their best interests, and not in the best interests of their constituents and party, then I understand (for the first time) why people might choose to stay home next election.  There isn’t much point in further support.

OK.  I’m done.

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