Use the comments preview button

OK, I’ve heard you. You want a comment preview button so you can check your comment before submitting it. It’s a good idea!

The blog now has one. It’s not where I’d like it to be (above the comment input/edit box instead of below), but it is there. I’m not going to try to fiddle with its location because I will break something and then blow my morning trying to fix it. WordPress gurus, we’re using “AJAX Comment Preview.” Do you know of a better plugin?

Henceforth, please resist asking us in a followup comment to edit your previous comment. Preview and edit on your own until you are satisfied. Of course you can always submit another comment to amend your prior one, but hopefully the preview function will make that less necessary.

Finally (and again), do note the comments policy. Yes, there is a length limit. No, we don’t accept vulgar rants.


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