Below are recent peer-reviewed publications from Boston University’s Department of Health Law, Policy and Management. You can find all posts in this series here.
May 2020 Edition
Arabi Y, Mallampalli R, Englert JA, Bosch NA, Walkey AJ, Al-Dorzi HM. Update in Critical Care 2019. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020 Mar 16. PMID: 32176850.
Borno HT, Rider JR, Gunn CM. The Ethics of Delivering Precision Medicine-Pretest Counseling and Somatic Genomic Testing. JAMA Oncol. 2020 Mar 12. PMID: 32163096.
Burrowes SAB, Rader A, Ni P, Drainoni ML, Barlam TF. Low Uptake of Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Respiratory Tract Infections in an Urban Safety Net Hospital. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2020 Mar; 7(3):ofaa057. PMID: 32166096.
Chernew ME, Conway PH, Frakt AB. Transforming Medicare’s Payment Systems: Progress Shaped By The ACA. Health Aff (Millwood). 2020 Mar; 39(3):413-420. PMID: 32119623.
Connolly SL, Sullivan JL, Ritchie MJ, Kim B, Miller CJ, Bauer MS. External facilitators’ perceptions of internal facilitation skills during implementation of collaborative care for mental health teams: a qualitative analysis informed by the i-PARIHS framework. BMC Health Serv Res. 2020 Mar 04; 20(1):165. PMID: 32131824.
Crabble EL, Biancarelli D, Walkey AJ, Drainoni ML. Barriers and facilitators to implementing priority inpatient initiatives in the safety net setting. Implement Sci Commun 1, 35 (2020).
Crosby SS, Annas GJ. Cop to Cop: Negotiating Privacy and Security in the Examining Room. J Law Med Ethics. 2020 Mar;48(1):169-171. PMID: 32342784.
Eisenhower A, Martinez Pedraza F, Sheldrick RC, Frenette E, Hoch N, Brunt S, Carter AS. Multi-stage Screening in Early Intervention: A Critical Strategy for Improving ASD Identification and Addressing Disparities. J Autism Dev Disord. 2020 Mar 06. PMID: 32144605.
Evans L, Wewiorski NJ, Ellison ML, Ni P, Harvey KLL, Hunt MG, Gorman JA, Charns MP. Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Staff Perceptions of Recovery Climate and Culture in Mental Health Programs. Psychiatr Serv. 2020 Mar 10; appips201900181. PMID: 32151213.
Gillmeyer KR, Rinne ST, Walkey AJ, Qian SX, Wiener RS. How Closely Do Clinical Trial Participants Resemble “Real-World” Groups 2 and 3 Pulmonary Hypertension Patients? A Structured Review. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2020 Mar 09. PMID: 32150687.
Jernigan DH, Trangenstein PJ. What’s next for WHO’s global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol? Bull World Health Organ. 2020 Mar 01; 98(3):222-223. PMID: 32132758.
Jones DK, Gordon SH, Huberfeld N. Have the ACA’s Exchanges Succeeded? It’s Complicated. J Health Polit Policy Law. 2020 Mar 11. PMID: 32186335.
Moitra E, Anderson BJ, Herman DS, Hayaki J, Pinkston MM, Kim HN, Stein MD. Examination of using alcohol to cope, depressive symptoms, and perceived social support in persons with HIV and Hepatitis C. AIDS Care. 2020 Feb 25; 1-8. PMID: 32098484.
Pham TN, Goldstein R, Carrougher GJ, Gibran NS, Goverman J, Esselman PC, Kazis LE, Ryan CM, Schneider JC. The impact of discharge contracture on return to work after burn injury: A Burn Model System investigation. Burns. 2020 Feb 19. PMID: 32088093.
Rinne ST, Mohr DC, Swamy L, Blok AC, Wong ES, Charns MP. National Burnout Trends Among Physicians Working in the Department of Veterans Affairs. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 Feb 24. PMID: 32096080.
Shwartz M and Restuccia JD. Commentary on “Improving Quality Measurement: Design Principles for Quality Measures.” J Ambul Care Manage. Apr/Jun 2020;43(2):106-109. PMID: 32011415.
Strombotne K, Buckell J, Sindelar JL. Do JUUL and e-cigarette flavours change risk perceptions of adolescents? Evidence from a national survey. Tobacco Control. Published online first: 16 April 2020. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055394.
Teja B, Bosch NA, Walkey AJ, Pinto R, Wunsch H. Vasopressor Dosing in Septic Shock Clinical Trials: A Systematic Review and Ecologic Study. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2020 Feb 28. PMID: 32109136.
Trangenstein PJ, Jernigan DH. The Health Impact of Alcohol on American Cities: Modeling the Local Burden of Current Alcohol Use in One Jurisdiction. J Urban Health. 2020 Apr; 97(2):260-270. PMID: 32124209.