Programming note

With an exception here or there, my blogging will be light to nonexistent through July. I’ve got some things cooking that are consuming my attention, plus a much needed, off-grid* vacation coming up. All will pay dividends in better and more blogging in the future.

However, I’m tweeting a lot of thoughts that I might otherwise turn into blog posts. For the full experience, follow @afrakt. Don’t forget to follow the other TIE regulars too: Aaron (@aaronecarroll), Don (@donaldhtaylorjr), and Kevin (@koutterson). And, as always, you can get tweets of posts and other news via @IncidentalEcon.

I know I was slow to make use of Twitter, but it has proven its value to me. Real ideas are exchanged there. Actual work is done. If you doubt it and haven’t tried it (as I know to be the case with some readers), I assert that you have no good basis for your opinion of it.

* “Off-grid” for me is not really off-grid. It’s no regular internet, no computer, no TV, very little news media, and, most importantly, no work.

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