Clinic Efficiency: Improving Access to Care Within Resource Constraints

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA), operating within the constraints of a congressionally allocated budget, must focus on improving clinic efficiency as a way to meet the growing Veteran demand for care. Clinic efficiency, defined as the productivity or work rate of providers, is an important predictor of clinic operations and outcomes. Thus, optimizing aspects of VHA clinic operations can help ensure that Veterans receive consistent access to both preventative care and treatment.

Recognizing the need, the Partnered Evidence-based Policy Resource Center (PEPReC) published a policy brief that delves into the significance of clinic efficiency. This brief also highlights PEPReC’s pilot program aimed at improving clinic efficiency. By collaborating with various VHA facility leaders at select facilities, the pilot program focused on facilitating transparency by reporting and sharing validated data. Read the full brief here.

PEPReC, within the Veterans Health Administration and funded in large part by the Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI), is a team of health economists, health services and public health researchers, statistical programmers, and policy analysts who engage policymakers to improve Veterans’ lives through evidence-driven innovations using advanced quantitative methods.

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