A Pass the Damn Bill Fund?

Something I’ve been pondering: if a voter becomes disenchanted with Democrats for failing to pass health reform and is disappointed with Republicans for opposing it what should he do with whatever energy and money he’d devote to issues or political campaigns?

Yesterday, a reader read my mind and e-mailed an idea:

If the Democrats don’t get it together to pass the bill I’m not going to feel like supporting them, but how can I demonstrate that to them before the fact?  Why doesn’t someone organize a “Pass The Damn Bill Fund” that people could contribute to instead of contributing to their usual candidates and party committees?  If they pass the bill, the fund disburses it’s balance to the party committees.  If they don’t pass the bill, the money goes to charity care.

That sounds sensible to me. If political contributions are free speech then passing the hat for passing the bill is the American way.

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