On The Record
Commonwealth: ACA reforms could reduce uninsured by 70% (good chart pack for teachers)
Commonwealth: ACA reforms could reduce uninsured by 70% (good chart pack for teachers)
From the Legal Talk Network, David Yas interviews me on the legal ecology of drug resistance and other related issues.
In his speech last night, President Obama said he will pay for his $450 billion jobs proposal with changes to Medicare and Medicaid, among other things.
A Decade Of Health Care Cost Growth Has Wiped Out Real Income Gains For An Average US Family, by David I. Auerbach and Arthur L.
This week, we discuss what’s actually involved in becoming a physician. From college, to medical school, to residency and beyond, we’ll detail exactly how you
Lower income families pay a higher share of income toward national health care spending than higher-income families do, reports the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. “Specifically, we found
From the paper by Coulam, Feldman, and Dowd that I’ve been blogging about all week: The Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. No. 111–148 [2010]) set payments to
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