Questions for readers

We are seeking feedback on some aspects TIE content. Here’s your chance to tell us what you really think. We want constructive criticism, so let us have it!

Please answer any or all of the following. Don’t worry about your comment length on this post. We’ll waive that aspect of the comments policy. You’re welcome to message any of us privately on these issues too (see the mail icons in the left sidebar on the blog). Finally, if you’ve got thoughts about blog content that are not related to these questions, send them along anyway. These are just to get you started. And you need not answer all of them. They should get you thinking in constructive ways, though.

  1. What’s the best thing about TIE? What’s the worst?
  2. If you could change one thing, what would it be?
  3. How do you feel about the volume of posts? Are there too many per day? Too few? Not enough on weekends? Appear too frequently during the day? Etc.
  4. How do you feel about the length of posts? Too long? Not enough detail? Good mix of long and short?
  5. Are you able to understand our posts? Do we assume too much of the reader? Do we provide too much background? Or do we achieve a good mix?
  6. What TIE features do you particularly enjoy (e.g. Reflex, On The Record, Podcasts, Reading List, FAQ posts, etc.)? Which ones do you ignore?
  7. Are there subject areas you’d like to see us cover more? Or less?
  8. Is there anything about our tone  that rubs you the wrong way? Is there anything about our style you really like? (Feel free to name names as there are several bloggers here.)
  9. Do you recommend TIE to others? If so, why? If not, why not?
  10. What other blogs do you read and enjoy? To what extent and in what ways would you like TIE to be more like those? Or less?
  11. What problems, if any, have you experienced with our website or feeds (RSS, Twitter)?
  12. How do you read TIE? (via google reader, bookmark in a browser, link from twitter, facebook, other)
  13. How did you learn about TIE?
It’d also be helpful if you’d start your response by telling us your profession (journalist, researcher, nurse, hospital administrator, student, rodeo clown, etc.) and whether you’re a regular reader and for how long.

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