Getting better estimates for insurance costs in the exchange, Indiana edition

Success! I finally got into the full website. So things are improving.

Here are some options I’ve found. I’m not going to list the insurance names because I don’t want to push one company over another.

There was a nice silver option for me, that would let me continue to see my doctor. The plan for me would cost, $362 a month (or $4350 a year). It has a $1500 deductible, and an out-of-pocket maximum of $6350. The co-pay for a primary care doctor is $20, and there’s a $15 co-pay for generic drugs. The co-insurance is 15% after the deductible.

On the other hand, I could get the gold plan from the same company for $432 a month (or $5187 a year). It has a $700 deductible, and an out-of-pocket maximum of $3000. The co-pay for a primary care doctor is $15, and there’s a $10 co-pay for generic drugs. The co-insurance is 10% after the deductible.

For the record, again, the average employer sponsored health insurance plan in the US costs $5306. The average annual deductible is $1135. So a gold plan in the Indiana exchanges that seems pretty good to me costs less than the average employer sponsored plan in the US.



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